Vaastu Shastra, is an integral part of our Indian architecture,taking its roots in the Indian Philosophy, maths, geology, geography, religion and takes into account, factors influencing a Site, such as topography, roads, structures around, Sun’s effects, Earth’s magnetic field, cardinal directions, Earth’s energy fields and elements of Nature.
The term Vaastu meaning “HOUSE” or dwelling place and it has been classified as follows:
☐ Bhoomi – meaning the plot or extent of land where the building is proposed.
☐Prasada – includes the compound wall and buildings which are built within the Bhoomi (Site).
☐Yaana – means all the (chariots) vehicles parked within the Bhoomi (Site).
☐Shayana – includes all the furniture and utensils in the building (Prasada.
Vaastu Shastra is an ancient Indian Vedic Science of Architecture that puts down guidelines on the construction of buildings such that they are in harmony with the environment or nature. The harmony management is achieved by managing the flow of cosmic energy through and around the buildings, which in turn promotes the well-being, peace and prosperity of the inhabitants.
As per Vaastu, when buildings are in tune with the underlying cosmic principles, they become a part of the basic structure of the universe and vibrate in harmony with it. These positive vibrations are believed to have a positive effect on the inhabitants.
It is a known fact that a designed house is the one that has aesthetic, hygiene, comfort, and space to move around and thereby giving pleasure of living. In such a house the inhabitants will be happy and contented, whereas, a poorly designed house will not be comfortable to live in and hence create uneasiness in the minds of the inhabitants.
Vaastu Shastra takes advantage of and manipulates the natural resources like sun, wind, air etc. and the topography of the site, the surrounding pathways, trees & plants, water sources, other structures etc. to harness the positive energy and prevent imbalance in the building and thus bring about harmony between man, nature and his built environment.
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In the growing years , the principles implied in the vaasthu is followed in the form of toys. Vaasthu toys has become widely popular with its widened benefits. In Tamil Nadu , the toys carved out from Rosewood tree is widely acclaimed as a Vaasthu toy.Its a question as to why this concept has become widely accepted . Is it the scientific reason or merely a belief or faith one has in . Well, the answer can be both. Marapachi Dolls, also known as Marapachi Bommais (literal meaning: “wooden dolls”), are traditional dolls made specifically of red sandalwood or silk-cotton-wood or red wood which are displayed during the Golu festival in South India as part of Dassara or Navaratri celebrations. These dolls made in pairs generally of male and female are dressed up by children as part of plaything and displayed during the Golu or “Bommai Kolu” festival. Tirupathi is one of the locations where it is specially ornament ally carved, and the dolls are stated to represent Venkateshwara and his consort. As a tradition Marapachi dolls are a hereditary gift from mother to daughter when the latter starts her Bommai Kolu arrangement. A particular practice followed in South India is to gift the Marapachi Dolls to newly married couple for their children to play with. The significance of this particular gift made of Marapachi doll in red sandal wood is stated to be the medicinal quality of the wood. When a child licks this plaything made of red sandalwood, the child’s Saliva derives an extract of the wood which the child absorbs into its system.
Natungram, a small village near Kolkata is the homeland for making the traditional owls , famously called as “The Natungram Owl” in Burdwan . The artisans carve out the owl from a single wood piece and shaped well . Though it lacks a pleasing appearance , it is well in demand and artisans are encouraged to customize the toys , without lacking the authenticity. Owl being the ascent(Vahana) of Goddess Lakshmi , is worshipped for prosperity and good wealth .Around 51 family members are involved in the doll making process. The males are skillful at carving and women in the family are expertise in painting.Its a still a tradition to worship a pair of painted owls to seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. Thus the belief of having the Nautungram Owl in one’s place would bring in luck and prosperity.
Thus the concept of having a Vaasthu toy is mainly to bring in luck and prosperity , a positive sign of well being.Though nothing can compensate one’s hard work and determination to reach a goal , still small things with huge belief has an enormous effect .
The concept of vaasthu is widely believed in all parts of India and the stories behind every vaasthu toy is fascinating .Moving towards the East of India,Manipur , a toy by the name of “Laiphadibi” is an integral part of many rituals. However the name is split into words as “lai” meaning God and “phadi” meaning a shabby cloth, “bi” is a feminine gender. This toy is acclaimed as a best friend to a girl child. A simple toy made out of rugs and exhilarated as a living being with true emotions. If any person dies on a Full moon day or on an un auspicious day , these toys make their way to the graveyard , to safeguard the spirits. This belief is still a tradition and the laiphadibi toys are a sign of vaasthu toy with different belief but same faith of bringing in luck and prosperity ..
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